Selina Zhang is an 18 year old high school student from New Jersey, who was recently selected as a finalist in the Regeneron Science Talent Search!
The project Selina won with is called ArTreeficial, which is a trap that targets the invasive spotted lanternfly.
In order to develop the trap, Selina spent weeks doing field work and research on the spotted lanternfly's habitat and habits.
Her invention uses AI learning and a layered electric mesh to lure in the spotted lanternfly and then electrocute them, without harming other insects around the trap. This is a notable improvement from other traps currently used to manage this species!
Her invention is even eco-concious and solar powered.
Selina said she was inspired by the game Dance Dance Revolution when developing her prototype! Learn more about Selina's invention here, and check out the Regeneron Science Talent Search here!